Archive for the ‘Animals’ Category

This is Princess in her new sweater

This is Princess in her new sweater

My Mom and Dads dog Shadow got out of our fence a couple of nights ago. Steve and I had gone to an auction and left Princess (our dog) running free in the house. I guess Dad let them outside and decide to leave them out their for a little bit, but he did not plan on falling asleep. Mom heard Princess barking and could not seem to locate Princess. Mom went into our living room and looked out our sliding glass door and noticed little Miss. Princess at the door. Mom let her in and called for Shadow, but Shadow was not in the back yard. He was gone. She woke Dad to tell him Shadow was not in the yard. Dad started walking the neighborhood looking for Shadow. He finally gave up and was pretty upset with himself. He was also really happy that Princess had not followed Shadow, cause he knows that dang dog is my baby and I would be heartbroken if anything should happen to her. We all go to bed and the next morning Shadow is back in the yard all wet and muddy. Dad was very happy to see Shadow and called Shadow to him, but something was wrong with Shadow. He had a very bad limp. Dad got to looking at him and saw he was all cut up. We are not sure if he got hit by a car or he got in a fight with another animal. We doctored him up pretty good. Cleaned his cuts, cleaned him, and watched him to make sure he was OK. The limp is going away and his cuts are healing nicely. I told Shadow he better have learned his lesson next time he might not be so lucky.

Poor Shadow

Poor Shadow

I really wish I had my camera with me earlier when I was in town but I did not have it on me so will will just have to believe me. Gas is below the TWO dollar mark. Gas at the Wally World gas station was $ 1.95 wholy moly. Prices have fell almost a dollar this week!!!! Diesel is also coming down, but much more slowly.


We have a little problem. Well really it is a bunch of little problems, we have rodents,of the mice variety. I hate mice. They are gross and yucky!!! We have caught six in the traps. We found one in the dog food bowl earlier today. GROSS!  We live out in the country and have lots of fields around us so I know they are looking for a warm place to bed in for the winter, but I have news for them they are not living in this house!!!!! I have the hebbie gibbies just thinking about them.